
Showing posts from May, 2016

8 body language tricks to instantly appear more confident

Confidence is key to success in many areas of our lives. Confident people stand out at work, in social situations, and in group settings. Studies have shown that those who appear more confident achieve higher status than their less confident peers. As a result, they wield more influence, tend to be more admired and listened to, and have access to better resources. If you're not as confident as you'd like to be, some slight modifications to your body language can have a huge impact. Learn to fake it until you make it with these eight tricks. 1. Keep your chin and head up. Lillian Glass, a body language expert and author of " The Body Language Advantage ," says you need to have your head up at all times. "Confident people are always looking up, never down at the table, the ground, or their feet," she says. "You have to always pretend that there's a string holding the crown of your head up." 2. Stand up straight. Good posture goes a long way in h...

How Rich People and Ordinary People View the World Differently

Being rich is sometimes nothing more than a mindset. Many people may find it difficult to accept the points stated below, but the truth remains that rich people tend to see the world in a different light from the way ordinary people see it. It is important to consider the mentality behind such thoughts, since becoming rich isn’t such a bad idea. This is how rich people and ordinary people view the world differently: Rich people are positive about the world around them while ordinary people blame the world for their problems Rich people are used to taking charge of the world around them. They know that there are a lot of wrongs and ills that already exist, but they don’t dwell on those. In fact they work hard to fix the aspects that they can fix and act responsibly for what happens to them. Ordinary people offer excuses and use the word “if” a lot. They tend to point fingers at this or that for the wrongs in their lives. They think that they have been wronged all along and try to pla...

6 Things Happy People Never Forget

Does it ever seem like other people are happier than you? You scroll on Facebook and see people having fun on their vacations, spending time with one another, or celebrating their achievements. You, on the other hand, are struggling along, just trying to make it through the day and coming home exhausted. In an effort to console yourself, you try to rationalize why you’re in this situation and figure it must just be “bad luck”. I know, because I’ve been there. Over time, it can be frustrating. You could be sabotaging your own growth without realizing it. But the good news is that, if you pay attention to your thought process, you’ll realize that you can become in control of your situation. So instead of holding yourself back, focus your energy on living positively. Happiness takes effort and a change in thinking. If you want to start being happy, remember to: 1. Focus on improving yourself Don’t become fixated on other people’s successes. Never mind what that guy has or the accomplishme...

What Is Personal Development?

Personal development is all about change, an over arching term that includes many different approaches to self-improvement. BE EXTREMELY HONEST WITH YOURSELF Personal development in its largest context could encompass anything that involves personal growth on all levels, meaning physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Exploring personal development takes a willingness to look at ourselves with extreme honesty and examine ways we want to change and improve. PAIN IS A GREAT MOTIVATOR FOR CHANGE Investigating our pain where we are not our best takes bravery. It might be hard at first to face the reality of our weaknesses, but this ability to be self reflective makes our lives easier in the long run. Out of this process we change and develop into being a better friend, better life partner, better employee, better boss, better entrepreneur, etc. We can have more peace and happiness in our lives. This process helps us create an easier life with less suffering for ourselves, others...

What Is The Ego and What Do I Do with It?

Depending on who you talk to, the ego is defined in different ways. One point of view says the ego is no good and another says the ego is part of our human experience. Is the ego necessary? What are we to think? One of these views is expressed in quite a few spiritual circles. They say we must get rid of the ego. This particular view of the ego sees the ego as an enemy, as a part of the self to shun. Perhaps this perspective is seeing the ego as similar to the definition of egotism as defined in Webster’s Dictionary as “a constant excessive reference to the self; conceit; selfishness.” It would include an “inflated feeling of pride or a reaction of superiority to others.” Some would say this kind of person is egotistical.   Psychologically the ego is not usually thought about in this way. According to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, the ego is an aspect of personality of a human being. It mediates the demands of the other aspects of the personality called the id and the superego. The...

Age and Creativity

A popular perception is that creativity and old age do not mix. Creativity is the domain of the young -- and to certain extent this is true, yet not in the way that many of us would expect. The youthful decline Our decline in creativity does not start when we are 40 or 50. It starts around about the the age when we enter school. The alarming decline At around about the age of five, we are using about 80% of our creative potential. We invent daily - no matter than our inventions have been invented before, the fact is that we are innovating at a remarkable rate. The scary coda to this story is that by the age of twelve, our creative output has declined to about 2% of our potential, and it generally stays there for the rest of our lives. The price of acceptance And then we start to learn the price of living in the modern world - which is conformity. To live with other people, you must follow their rules and values, which seem to be more about what you cannot do than what you can do. We ar...