5 Ways Being Attractive Affects Your Professional Success
If you ever felt like the most attractive people always have the greatest career success, you may be on to something. As it turns out, success, at least in some part, is skin deep. Of course attractive people aren't always dealt the best cards — just more frequently than the rest of us average joes. Here's how being attractive influences success: Attractive people tend to get paid more Because of what social psychologists call "the halo effect" — our tendency to assume someone possesses other positive qualities because the posses one — the better someone looks, the better a person we think they are. Thanks to this cognitive bias, attractive people tend to be paid a premium. Daniel Hamermesh, a University of Texas psychologist who studies beauty in the workplace, has found that a person with above-average looks earning $20 an hour over a 40-year career would earn $1.69 million, while a person with below-average looks would pull in $1.46 million. In one sample of Americ...