
Showing posts from March, 2017

20 Ways to strengthen your relationship with God

It’s not easy to always have strong faith. In fact, we weren’t created to constantly feel that bond with our Creator. But that’s the challenge. That’s the test of this life. Here are some tips on how I help lessen the distance I sometimes feel between me & my beautiful God: 1. Know it’s Simply a Test It’s nothing more, don’t over think it. We were put on this earth to be tested. The whole purpose of this life is to be put through trials & tribulations sent down from God to see how we’re going to react. Are you gonna give up & let the doubt define your relationship with God? Or are you gonna fight through it & prove your trust in the One that created you? And low faith isn’t necessarily a bad sign. If He gave up on you, He wouldn’t care to test you. And by feeling low on faith, that means you had strong faith at one point; you’re just in a moment of weakness. This is temporary. 2. Don’t Tell Yourse...

Human Rights and Justice in Islam

Islam provides many human rights for the individual. The following are some of these human rights that Islam protects. The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether a person is Muslim or not. Islam also protects honor. So, in Islam, insulting others or making fun of them is not allowed. The Prophet Muhammad said: {Truly your blood, your property, and your honor are inviolable.} Racism is not allowed in Islam, for the Quran speaks of human equality in the following terms: O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female and have made you into nations and tribes for you to know one another. Truly, the noblest of you with God is the most pious. Truly, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Quran, 49:13) Islam rejects certain individuals or nations being favored because of their wealth, power, or race. God created human beings as equals who are to be distinguished from each other only on the basis of their faith and piety. The Prophe...

The Importance of Strategy

Having a clear and focused strategy is critically important to the success of your business, and without a well-defined strategy, yours may stall or even fail. If you can take the emotion out of your decision making process, you'll have a business and a team that is more focused, more productive, and more profitable. A successful strategic plan does the following: 1. Provides Direction and Action Plans It establishes in a clear, concise and strategically sound way the direction for the organizationhow this will be achieved, including detailed action plans 2. Prioritizes and Aligns Activities Strategic planning is about making choices, establishing priorities, allocating resources to strategic initiatives and coordinating to achieve desired results. 3. Defines Accountabilities It defines clear lines of accountability and timelines for achieving expected results on the agreed strategic initiatives. 4. Enhances Communication and Commitment In clarifying the vision and accountabilities...

10 Ways To Be Professional at Work

We often hear how important it to behave “professionally” in the workplace. If you want to get ahead, be taken seriously, and have your boss think of you as an asset to the team, doing things in a professional way is vital. But what exactly do employers mean by this term? Surely it’s enough to do your job well and show up on time consistently. Or are there other things expected of you if you want to be viewed as being professional? Avoid Being Unprofessional Your employer may not tell you exactly their own view of what being professional means. But we all know from experience how to get labelled as “unprofessional.” By finishing tasks or projects late, for instance. Being unprepared when attending  meetings . Spending time gossiping at work. Other ways to be seen as unprofessional? Treat people with disrespect. Keep them waiting unnecessarily. Steal their thunder by using their ideas without giving them credit. Say one thing then do the complete opposi...

Here's how to win any argument

It's easy for a calm debate to turn ugly. When this happens, it's almost impossible to persuade your opponent. We created an infographic of the most successful  tactics  to help you get your point across in a courteous and educated way.

Amazing idea
