SUCCESS Foundation: Plan a Dream
If life were a sprint, you could run it with your conscious mind. But life is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. It’s not a matter of the first, second or even third step you take. There are thousands of steps that follow when you work toward your goals, and each one gives you the opportunity to get off course and lose your way. Whether you stay on the right path or get distracted is a question of how you’ve programmed your subconscious mind. One of the best ways to program yourself is through repetition—reminding your subconscious of your biggest dreams every day. It’s the same reason you want to keep yourself in the company of positive people: You need to avoid the temptations that can lead you astray. Life is not a sprint; it’s a marathon . It’s not enough to just make a picture of your dream life. Once you have your picture, immerse yourself in it. This is the lesson adapted from the text of SUCCESS for Teens: Real Teens ...